◎ 新生註冊
◎ 外籍人士參加中華民國全民健康保險相關權利義務
◎ 健保醫療服務
◎ 如有任何疑問,請上「中央健康保險局」網站 http://www.nhi.gov.tw/
◎ New student registration
According to Ministry of Education International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, at the time of
registration a new international student shall present proof of a medical and injury insurance policy
which is valid for at least 6 months from the date the student enters Taiwan. Instead, student may
present written proof that they have joined Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Plan.
The abovementioned written proof of insurance issued in foreign country shall be verified by
Taiwan's overseas representative office. Those who fail to provide such proof of insurance can join a
short-term medical group insurance program, premium NTD 500 per month.
◎ National Health Insurance Regulations of Foreign Nationals
Starting from Jan. 1, 2013, foreign nationals holding ROC resident certificate, i.e., Alien Resident
Certificate (ARC), should enroll in the national health insurance program (NHI) if he/she has
possessed ARC and stayed in ROC for more than 6 months. The abovementioned "6 months"
of residence refers to a person who, after entering into Taiwan, has obtained and stayed in Taiwan for 6
consecutive months or exited Taiwan only once for fewer than 30 days and the total duration
of stay in ROC after subtracting the length of stay outside ROC is more than 6 months.
NHI fee is NTD 826 per month, NTD 4,956 per semester (6 months). Starting from the
2nd semester of enrollment, the fee is to be added to students' tuition bill automatically.
(The fee is subject to change according to the announcement of National Health Insurance
NHI fee is charged on monthly base. For example, if one's NHI is effective from March 15, one still has
to pay for the whole month (NTD 826). When one graduates, suspends or withdraws from the school,
the school should refund the overpayment to the student.
If one's ARC is expired, or one's reason of residence is eliminated, or one has decided not to return
to Taiwan, one shall withdraw from the program immediately.
Leaving & Re-Entering Taiwan
The foreign residents who leave Taiwan for vacations or on business trips and still have valid permit to remain in Taiwan will continue to have the coverage.
Those foreign residents who plan to leave Taiwan for more than 6 months can either continue to pay the premium to keep the coverage or to withdraw from the insurance. In the latter case, no premium is required. Upon returning to Taiwan, an application to reactivate the coverage should be submitted. Those who choose to discontinue the coverage, but return within the 6-month period need to repay the premiums to cover the period while absent from Taiwan. Those who continue to pay premium and maintain coverage may claim for emergency treatment or childbirth medical expenses while living outside of Taiwan. Proper documentation certifying the medical condition and expenses incurred is required for reimbursement application.
◎ Coverage
The insured is entitled to receive the outpatient service, impatient care and drugs that are provided by the contracted medical care situations in the case of illness, injury or childbearing.
The insured should pay registration fee and afford partial medicine charge.
◎ For further information, please refer to the National Health Insurance Administration
(http://www.nhi.gov.tw/) or contact OIA (02-28961000 ext. 2609).