International degree students with a valid ARC who would like to work/intern legally in Taiwan shall apply for a work permit. You must have a work permit to work, regardless if the job is on/off campus and with/without pay. Foreigners working without a permit will be fined with NTD 30,000 to 150,000. You can apply for work permit after completing registration.
Work Permit duration:maximum of 6 months (one semester)
-- Applied in the fall semester: work permit valid until March 31 of the following year.
--Applied in the spring semester: work permit valid until September 30 of the same year
International students may work a maximum of 20 hrs each week. Except for winter/summer break.
學生證正反面影本 Photocopy of student ID card
在學證明 Certificate of enrollment
護照影本、居留證影本 Photocopy of ARC and passport
審查費100元 Fee: NTD 100
請注意請勿非法打工!!! Do not work illegally!!!